Why You Should Not Give Up In The Face Of Uncertainty

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.”Psalm 56:3

These days it seems we are all overwhelmed with the never-ending reminders about critical situations worldwide. We even sense the profound effects of some of these pressures in our own homes and cities. 

It is natural to feel uncertainty during these testing times. Today more than ever, we need to recognise that God is an absolute power of faith, hope, and guardianship. 

Our Lord invites us to protect ourselves in Him by praying whenever we feel anxious, apprehensive, and lonely. 

It’s vital to understand that uncertainty is a natural part of life. We all feel it at some point, and some of us even encounter it daily. However, feeling uncertain doesn’t mean you’re off-track or a disappointment. It is just a consequence of being alive. 

The good news is that it is possible to deal with life’s uncertainty by trusting that everything will work out for the best. The key is to create new thinking patterns to accept fate until it becomes painless. 

It is crucial to overcome these challenging feelings until you develop self-confidence and faith in yourself and the Almighty. 

While dealing with uncertainty isn’t easy, you can do it. Here are some strategies that can encourage you to accept uncertainties instead of resisting them. 

5 Tips To Deal With Uncertainty

1. Lessons From Uncertainty

Pain and uncertainty affect everyone. It’s not something that you plan – it’s unavoidable. The good news is, uncertainty and adversity are powerful teachers. 

Through hardships and uncertainties, you can learn:

  • Compassion: Going through adversity opens your heart, mind, and eyes to the hardships of others.
  • Self-knowledge: Uncertainties are key to understanding who you are, allowing you to make new choices based on new information about yourself. 
  • Resilience to understand that everything changes. It would be best to be flexible in accepting the things you can’t change and be open to new opportunities. 
  • Higher Power: Uncertainties will remind you that there are things you don’t control. By accepting your limitations, it’s possible to remove some of the weight from your shoulders and trust that God knows what is best for you. 

2. Identify the Causes of Your Uncertainty

Even though most uncertainty is self-generated through excessive stress, it can also be triggered by external sources. It’s crucial to identify what is causing you to feel anxious. 

Maybe it’s caused by spending too much time on social media reading about conspiracies and rumors, or is it your friends and family who are contributing to your fears and uncertainties? 

Regardless of the cause, it is vital to recognise your triggers and avoid or limit your exposure to them. 

Pay attention every time you start feeling anxious, uncertain, or fearful about something. Your body will send you physical cues such as tension in your neck and shoulders, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, stomachache, etc. 

When you notice these anxious feelings, instead of trying to gain control, let yourself accept uncertainty. Breathe and concentrate on the present. Allow yourself to feel the sensations knowing that this too shall pass. 

3. Follow Healthy Sleeping and Eating Patterns

When facing uncertainty, it is common to adopt unhealthy behaviours, like sleeping too much or too little, consuming too much alcohol, smoking, or eating an unbalanced diet. 

It is imperative to avoid falling into these harmful patterns during stressful times as that is when you need a sense of structure and control the most.  

Besides this, uncontrollable behaviour can lead to additional suffering. Trying to fight uncertainty by engaging in destructive patterns increases anxiety, fear, and loneliness. 

Center your attention on the things you can control and live a healthy, more productive life. 

4. Visualize Yourself

One of the best methods to fight uncertainty is to develop a vision for what you want. For instance, if you are unhappy at work, what does your perfect job or career look like? If you are moving to another city, how do you want your life to unfold there?

When you create your vision, make sure to remember your core values. 

Establishing goals and developing a plan is an excellent way to deal with uncertainty. Visions and dreams help you achieve balance in adversity. 

5. Pray

The best way to go through uncertain times is to turn to God and think about His words. Bible quotes and verses will inspire you to be brave, have faith, and trust His path. 

Some of my favorite verses to read during uncertain times are:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”Psalm 46:1

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:6-7

“Humble yourselves, then, under God’s mighty hand, so that he will lift you up in his own good time. Leave all your worries with him because he cares for you.”1 Peter 5:6-7

Every time you’re fearful or uncertain about something, remember one thing is sure: God’s love

Keep Moving

As you learn to accept uncertainty, you’ll discover that you need to keep moving on despite everything. Once you realise how resilient and strong you are, you will start trusting yourself more. 

Every step you take is an act of appreciation and a reflection of your positive beliefs. After all, you haven’t given up, so trust God and yourself to create the life you deserve.