4 Powerful And Easy Ways To Write Down Your Goals To Achieve Them

“Review Your Goals Twice Every Day In Order To Be Focused On Achieving Them.” – Les Brown

Do you write down your goals? Or do you just think about them?

You might have already guessed that the answer to these questions has a BIG impact on your probability of transforming your goals and dreams into your reality. 

Studies have discovered that those who wrote down their goals and dreams regularly achieved those aspirations at a higher level than those who only think about them. The incredible thing is that the chance that you will make your goals into reality goes up even more if you share your written goals with a person who believes in you. 

To understand why it is important to write down your goals and dreams, first you need to understand how your brain works.

The brain has a left and right hemisphere. When you just THINK about your goals, you are only using your right hemisphere, which is the part that controls your imagination. 

But when you write down your goals and dreams, you use your logic-based left hemisphere. This is when all the cells of your body receive a signal that says “I want this and I am going to achieve it, and I am serious.” 

As you can see, when you write down your goals and dreams you initiate an entirely new dimension of productivity in your subconscious mind.

Writing down your goals and dreams lets your subconscious mind see the opportunities, something that is not possible if you just THINK about them.  

Here are 4 tips on how to effectively write down your goals.

Tip # 1 Define Your Goals

This may seem easy but it is harder than you think. Most of the time, you are not aware of what your true desires are. The majority of people are guided by their circumstances. Only a few people live their lives according to their goals. 

If you are in the first group, don’t worry. You are reading this so you are probably going to move to the second category soon. 

The first step is finding out where you are and this means you need to take some time to sit down and reflect. Make sure to find some quiet alone time. 

Once you are alone, think about your current situation from all points of view and write down your conclusions. 

If you don’t know where to start, try answering these questions: 

  • Where is your life now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • What changes do you need to make to get where you want to be? 

Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. 

Tip # 2 Set SMART Goals

The SMART rule is powerful and you need to apply it every time you write down your goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific. Your goal needs to be clear and well-defined. Define precisely what you want. 
  • Measurable. Don’t forget to include precise amounts and dates. Goals need to be measurable because if not, it is impossible to know if you have achieved something. 
  • Attainable. Your goals need to be possible. However, don’t set goals that are too easy. Your goals should be realistic yet challenging at the same time. 
  • Relevant. Make sure to set up goals that are relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take. 
  • Time-bound. Finally, your goals must have a deadline. It is important to have a sense of urgency to achieve your goals much quicker. 

Tip # 3 Make Them Visual

Once you know what you want and you have written it down, it is time to get creative and make it visual. It may sound childish, but you need to sit down with colored markers, crayons or paint and draw the picture as if you were back in school. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to draw, the idea is to cement your goals in your mind. 

When you draw your goals you activate a different part of your brain. Through this creative process, you can see that your goals and dreams are possible and you don’t get stuck in rational thinking. 

Please, don’t worry about creating a masterpiece, just draw and enjoy the creative process as you go. 

Tip # 4 Feel Them

Finally, it is important to imagine how it feels to achieve your goal. Write down your feelings. When you act as you have already achieved your goal, your brain starts connecting the dots between where you are now and where you want to be. 
Remember, “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hope.”– Andrew Carnegie.