If you want to live a long and healthy life, you have the power to change your bad habits right now. No matter your age or how active you are, you can start taking action to increase your odds of a longer, healthier life. 

It is important to understand that your life expectancy is not just determined by genetics, but also by external factors like diet and lifestyle. 

Here are 8 habits that you should stop if you want to live a long life.

1. Eating Too Much

If you want to increase your lifespan, stop overeating. Lowering your calorie intake will improve your health as you will reduce excess body weight and belly fat. 

You must understand that lowering your calorie intake doesn’t mean to starve yourself as it has negative side effects such as increased hunger, low body temperature, and weakness. 

Make sure you eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein, healthy fats, grains, and carbohydrates. 

2. Staying Inside

You need to go outside and get your skin exposed to sunlight. Remember, the sun is responsible for producing vitamin D. This vitamin is the key to bone health, and to prevent depression, heart disease, and diabetes. 

Studies have shown that 50% of adults have low levels of vitamin D because they rarely spend time outside. All you need is 15 minutes of sunlight daily to produce and maintain enough vitamin D levels. 

3. Smoking

If you are a smoker you know you have to quit but I know it is hard to do it. Smoking is one of the most common causes of death and it can rob you of a decade of life. 

Once you stop smoking your blood pressure and circulation will improve and your risk of getting cancer will decrease every year after that. 

It is important to know that all the people around you can also benefit from your decision because they will no longer be exposed to dangerous secondhand smoke.

Plus, in case you need more motivation: you will look and feel younger! 

4. Being Inactive

It is important to move daily. It doesn’t matter if you do one daily session or 3 10-minute sessions, the idea is to have moderate activity for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. 

A great way to start that is safe for practically everyone is walking. If you want to do more vigorous activities, you should always talk to your doctor first. 

Keep in mind that one minute of vigorous exercise equals two minutes of moderate activity. 

5. Being Alone

Your life expectancy can be increased by spending time with your friends and family. When you are connected to someone, your overall health will improve. That’s why it is important to have positive relationships with your spouse, friends, and family. 

By having positive connections with other people your stress levels are reduced and you have the motivation to take care of yourself. 

6. Anger

When you are angry your levels of cortisol go up. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone and it has negative effects on your heart, metabolism, and immune system. 

High levels of cortisol have been linked to greater mortality.  

7. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

If you drink too much alcohol, you are putting your liver, heart, and pancreas at risk, and might die years earlier than expected.

Keep in mind that moderate consumption is recommended as it is linked to a reduced chance of several diseases, just make sure you consume high quality alcoholic beverages.

Wine has a high content of polyphenol antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol and it can prevent heart disease, diabetes, and neurological disorders. 

The recommended consumption is

  • 1-2 units per day, and maximum 7 per week for women. 
  • Less than 3 units per day, and maximum 14 per week for men. 

Please notice that no evidence indicates that the benefits of moderate drinking are greater than not drinking at all. So, if you don’t drink, there is no reason to start. 

8. Forgetting to Floss

Weird but true, flossing daily can extend life expectancy. Flossing does two things:

  1. Prevents gum disease
  2. Prevents heart disease

When you prevent both of these things, you add years to your life. 


These eight habits are just the first steps in increasing your life expectancy. Remember to always take good care of yourself and avoid situations that may lead to injury.

Your body will keep going as long as you keep it out of trouble. So start today!