Category: Inspiration

Focus on building a culture to achieve the organisation’s mission. “Coffee session with the managers.” We often hear this sentence at work.It certainly sounds like

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It feels great to finally slam the envelope on our manager’s desk, right? After months of contemplating if it’s the right time to submit the

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From the author of “Why Do Great Nurses Leave?“ Remember the feeling of waking up thinking you should probably call in sick from work? The

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Lack of empathy. Managers always ask nurses to give their patients some TLC (Tender Loving Care). But they never do the same to their staff.

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Organisation. This could be a one-word article, but please allow me to elaborate further.

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“Deck the halls with a bough of holly. Fa la la la la , la la la la” It’s the Christmas season. Lights illuminating the

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Stepping into the ward for the first time is a life-changing experience. No matter how prepared we are, there is no book or teacher that

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D & D. Doesn’t it remind us of dinner and dance? Sadly, it has been a while since hospitals had that. How much we all

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A Nurse’s Story “His SATs are dropping!!!” A typical sentence we hear while working with Covid patients. Rushing to get the oxygen mask with her

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“When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” – Psalm 56:3 These days it seems we are all overwhelmed with the never-ending reminders

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